PROPERTY in Marina Alta. Basic recomendations CHECK LIST. Before sign any document find an INDEPENDENT lawyer. 1. Check who the owner is. If it is not the owner the person who signs must have a power of attorney. 2. It is very important to check if the property is free of charges, mortgage, or tenants via Land Registry. 3. Community fees. Letter of the administrator. 4. Price and payment: a certain amount that the buyer gives to the seller as a signal. 5. Selling fees: There are fees related to the purchase negotiation. Who pays?... Municipal Taxes. Seller Notary fees. negotatiable Registration fees. negotatiable 6. Check if the property has any penalties at the town hall 7. Check the urban situation of the property via Catastro and townhall. If in the future there are any urban projects in the area. Cadastral data: Descriptive and graphic cadastral certification that will be incorporated into the deeds to verify the coincidence or discrepancies between the cadastral data, the Pro...
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